The Universe is Your Unlimited Supply ♾️


Enter a State of Ultimate Abundance


Have you ever been trying so hard to create something in your life, some result that you desire and it feels like you are pushing a bolder up a hill? You know that feeling where it feels like a constant struggle and even if you do make some progress it's all through hard work and effort. This is what I call pushing.


Receiving on the other hand is very different. You desire something and you allow it to come to you - effortlessly. It's like you are floating up that hill in a hot air balloon, looking down at all the people pushing their bolders up the hill! This is what I call allowing.


And we get to choose which energy we operate from.


So how do you choose allowing?


By operating from an energy of love, acceptance, joy and an expectation of the highest and best. You joyously receive what you know is yours by divine right and you trust that the universe is your unlimited supply.


"To bring any new experience into our lives, we have to practice being in that new energy; that new mindset - all the time." ~ Dr. Joe Dispenza


You live in and from a state of abundance because what you focus on expands. The more you live from this state of allowing, the more you allow into your life. The better it gets, the better it gets!


Whenever I feel myself pushing to try to achieve something, I remind myself that the energy of pushing is pushing my desire away from me. Instead, I take some time to sit and meditate and get into a state of allowing. It's makes such a difference.


Abundance is truth and it is your divine birthright. And It is available to you right now.


The Universe Wants To Bless You With Abundance


If someone were to ask me what my superpower was, I’d have to say it’s creating life-altering guided meditations.

They are life-altering not because they are meditations but because they are something much more.


You see, my meditations are energetic updates. A bit like a blueprint that when activated updates your energy field with this new divinely aligned blueprint.


They are truly something special.


And the meditations inside The Abundance Bundle offer a genuine opportunity to align with abundance in all areas of your life - financial, career, relationships, health and happiness and so much more.


They offer an energy upgrade that can bless you with physical, mental, emotional & spiritual abundance.


Abundance is your natural state of being. If you are experiencing lack in any area of your life it is because you are out of alignment and cutting off the natural flow of Abundance into your life.


But it’s time to change all that. The universe wants to bless you with abundance.

Are You Ready To Unlock Your Full Abundance Potential?


Think about it, When a flower isn’t watered it begins to wither and wilt. Water is life and once the flower is watered again it revives and stands tall. Begin to pour energetic abundance into your being and watch as you revive over the 8 days, realign your energy and your life and blossom into the fullness of your potential.

And that is my loving intention for you, to not only live in and through abundance but to stand up and claim your place in this loving, abundant universe.

You are ready. You have the power and the potential within you right now waiting to be released.

"I am so full of energy"

"Thank you Sandra,I really feel there is a change on the horizon..and I am so full of energy!!"

~ Collette

"It feels like my soul is awakening"

“With the spiritual practices that I’m learning and the meditation, it feels like my soul is awakening from a long sleep and unfurling like a beautiful flower!"

~ Anne

"Immense benefit..."

"It has been of immense benefit. I was so blocked. You really are a Godsend! Thank you so much."

~ Bernie

What to Expect…

The meditations inside The Abundance Bundle are infused with Angelic magic! They offer a genuine opportunity to align with abundance in all areas of your life - financial, career, relationships, health, happiness and so much more.


Inside you will experience 8 days of energetic clearing & alignments, 8 days of healing, 8 days of abundance.


Day 1 - Violet Rays of Transmutation

Day 2 - Step Into The Stream of Abundance

Day 3 - The Path To Empowerment

Day 4 - Manifesting With Zuriel

Day 5 - Mansion of Wishes Fulfilled

Day 6 - One True Hearts Desire

Day 7 - Activation To Fulfil Your Potential

Day 8 - Activate Soul Aspirations


8 days of magnetic guided meditations and activations that will get you vibrating at the frequency of abundance. 

If you would like to step into the flow of abundance, if you would like to claim your place in the universe as an abundant child of a loving source, if you would like to release lack for good, then join us inside the Abundance Bundle.

"Wave after wave of energy"

"The flow of energy was really strong in my body I had wave after wave of energy."

~ Karen

"I got so much out of it"

"Thank you so much! I absolutely loved this, I got so much out of it. I’m looking forward to doing the meditation again."

~ Rachael

Yes to Abundance!


Inside the Abundance Bundle you will lovingly journey with the Angels (of course because the Angels are also one of my superpowers) and they will lead you, support you and prosper you in ways you couldn’t even imagine.

This is a journey you’ve been waiting to take. This is a time of awakening. This is your time to awaken to the abundance the universe is offering to you.


It’s within your reach and you don’t have to wait any longer.

Align With Ultimate Abundance in All Areas of Your Life


If your heart is calling out for this, if you feel this is right for you, if you feel drawn to discover more, find out what 8 days of abundance can do for you in this special Abundance Bundle.


And when you sign up you also get

2 Bonus Gifts (Valued at €120)

I have 2 more gifts for you, because I know these grounding meditations will help you to ground your energy (so important) so you can experience abundance in its physical form.

  1. Grounding With Hamaliel - You’ve done the energetic work, now let’s ground everything into reality with this guided meditation. This changes everything!
  2. Grounding Through Love - Working with Angels Tual, Ariel and Haniel, you'll sweep clean any heavy energy from the chakras and aura and attune to grounded earth energy and loving divine energy. So blissful! 



When you sign up you get instant access to Day 1. You can begin right away or whenever suits you.


8 Days of immersing yourself in abundance frequencies, a lifetime of plenty!

You'll get instant access to Day One and the bonus gifts, plus each day after (until day 8) I will send you an extra guided meditation/activation so you can continue building on the abundance momentum you're creating. 


Each meditation is about 20 minutes long and available in video and audio format.

All meditations are available as separate audios that you can go back to over and over again.



You can go through everything within 8 days BUT you don't have to.

You can go at your own pace and go back and listen again as often as you like.

You get at least 12 months access to the recordings (usually a lot longer). And you can download the audio meditations to keep for good. That's all the replays you want.



The value of everything you're getting is worth at LEAST €480.


A deep heartfelt YES To Abundance!

Ready to make it real? 


Let's get you vibrating at the frequency of abundance!


Expect Lavish Abundance

"I expect lavish abundance every day in every way in my life and affairs. I specifically expect and give thanks for lavish abundance today!"

~ Catherine Ponder