You Are The Source.

"Your first job is to work on yourself. The greatest thing you can do for another human being is to get your own house in order and find your true spiritual heart."

~ Ram Dass

Your Spiritual Journey Begins Here...


Wholeness is a state of perfection that has never left you. You thought it went somewhere. You thought you “lost” it. Nothing can be lost. Within the absolute everything is here now. You cannot loose anything. But you can forget. Because you have forgotten your wholeness it seems as if you have to find it but it’s really about remembering.


There is nothing to change. There is nothing to do, you are already whole. But because you have forgotten, the process of remembering may seem as if there is something to do.


The journey from wholeness to wholeness is instant because it is not a journey and has never been lost. Who you are has always remained the same. You doubt this now but you will remember.


"A Wonderfully Exciting Journey..." 

"I am so very grateful to have been guided to your teachings, they have helped and supported me on this wonderful journey of reconnecting with my true self. It's a wonderfully exciting journey and each day my awareness of all the blessings provided me continue to grow. Grateful & Thankful"
~ Grace  


Through the courses and processes inside the membership you can: 

  • Awaken to your true nature so you can experience lasting peace and happiness.
  • Create your life consciously and learn to manifest from a state of Oneness.
  • Raise your vibration and become the highest divine expression of yourself.
  • Heal, restore and enhance your life in surprising and wonderful ways.
  • Welcome your Angels and guides into your life through Sandra’s guided meditations and activations.

"So excited for the future"

"Thank you so much Sandra for this wonderful course and for creating this group. I've my own little holistic business and since starting your course I've being doing much more meditating and loving the results. I feel so good in myself and my phone has been so busy with bookings. So excited for the future. Thanks again”

~ Katharina

So much to look forward to...

Some of the courses already waiting for you inside the group when you join:

  1. Heal Core Wounds
  2. Raise Your Vibration
  3. The Alchemy of Gratitude
  4. Return To Wholeness
  5. Manifest From Oneness

Plus new live classes with Sandra and other group members every 2 weeks.

"Little miracles every day"

"“Since I joined FSF let me tell you, so many good things have happened. I am more positive and I am seeing little miracles every day. Your way of explaining things is super. This is a journey that has been in me for years and as you know life gets in the way. I now know that it’s my time and I am so excited. It feels like I'm a child again waiting for Santa to come. Thank you for caring and encouraging me and all in FSF. You’re amazing.”

~ Cora

Here's what you get when you become a member of Fiercely Spiritual Family:


My loving intention is to support you on your spiritual path, to share the tools and knowledge I have learnt and have worked wonders for me and my clients, so that you too can experience the same wonderful results.


That’s why I created Fiercely Spiritual Family, a safe place for you to embrace your spiritual power and connect with other likeminded members inside the group.


  • Monthly Live Group Classes with Sandra (Every 2 weeks via Zoom)
  • Spiritual Courses & Practices (Available on demand)
  • Private Members Group (Meet other members)
  • Community Support
  • 20% off other events and courses with Sandra.
  • Cancel Anytime
  • BONUS - Angel Guidance Meditation Library (80+ guided Meditations)


"It's like having your own personal spiritual mentor." ~ Elaine


Want to take a look inside?

Here’s a little window into all the delicious content to look forward to inside Fiercely Spiritual Family.




You get immediate access to all classes, meditations and resources so you can get started straight away or whenever you like.


Whether you allocate 5 mins a day or 30 mins, it's up to you and what works best for your schedule. 

There are so many incredible classes, guided meditations and practices in here. I encourage you to take your time as you go through everything and savour the experience.


Every 2 weeks you can join Sandra and other group members for a live group gathering via Zoom. 

At the end of the class you can ask questions and receive personal guidance from Sandra. 




Inside the meditation library 80+ guided meditations are infused with high frequency light codes which have to be experienced to fully appreciate their power!

Experience deep relaxation, get soul guidance, go on spiritual journeys and receive Angel attunements & healing.



Lifetime access to Fiercely Spiritual Family is €2,970.

BUT, You can join annually for €297. OR monthly for €27 each month (no contract - cancel anytime).

It's an amazing gift to yourself.

Try it today and watch as the magic and miracles unfold.


"This priceless gift..." 

“When Sandra extended the invitation to become a member, I just had to, simply because it works… Some basic immediate benefits are that I sleep very well these days, my emotions are more stable and my is energy protected, my friends can sense and always comment about this peace around me... Thanks Sandra for extending this priceless gift to the FSF.”

~ Elaine




Cancel Anytime

  • Monthly Live Group Classes with Sandra (Every 2 weeks via Zoom)
  • Spiritual Courses & Practices (Available on demand)
  • Private Members Group (Meet other members)
  • Community Support
  • 20% off other events and courses with Sandra.
  • Cancel Anytime
  • BONUS - Angel Guidance Meditation Library (80+ guided Meditations)






One Annual Payment

  • €324 Just €297 (one month free)
  • One Yearly Payment
  • Monthly Live Group Classes with Sandra (Every 2 weeks via Zoom)
  • Spiritual Courses & Practices (Available on demand)
  • Private Members Group (Meet other members)
  • Community Support
  • 20% off other events and courses with Sandra.
  • Cancel Anytime
  • BONUS - Angel Guidance Meditation Library (80+ guided Meditations)




  • One Time Payment
  • Lifetime Access 
  • Opportunity to become a Fiercely Spiritual Mentor
  • Monthly Live Group Classes with Sandra (Every 2 weeks via Zoom)
  • Spiritual Courses & Practices (Available on demand)
  • Private Members Group (Meet other members)
  • Community Support
  • 20% off other events and courses with Sandra.
  • BONUS - Angel Guidance Meditation Library (80+ guided Meditations)