Energy Purification and Psychic Activation
Download this guided meditation to experience a powerful energy purification and psychic activation.
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Awaken your Psychic Abilities
“I haven't got Instagram but I had to reply to your guided (psychic) activation. Wow beautiful, cold tingles, peace, weightless, glowing green and yellow.
Lovely” ~ Wendy
"Wow thank you Sandra that meditation was very powerful! Could feel lots of energy around me but yet felt so peaceful." ~ Emma Louise
Recently inside Fiercely Spiritual Family we connected with Angels - Barakiel, Phuel and Ariel to experience a powerful energy purification and psychic activation. So cleansing, uplifting and transformative.
I’ve decided to share it here (free of charge) so that you too can connect with your Angels and spirit guides, awaken your psychic abilities and receive messages and guidance with this guided meditation.
If you've been trying to awaken your psychic senses and connect with your guides, I think you'll love this guided meditation.
Sandra Rea
Author, Healer, Spiritual Teacher & Speaker
Host of the Fiercely Spiritual Podcast & Founder of the Fiercely Spiritual Family