Still Trying To Figure Out Your Psychic Gifts?
Magical Things Start To Happen When You Realise You Are In The Presence Of Divine Intelligence
I'd love to say that I knew from an early age how to access and use my psychic gifts, but I didn't. It took me a long time to work out that I even had any gifts to begin with!
I used to love writing songs. I'd write the lyrics down first and then put a melody to them. I didn't know where the inspiration for the lyrics came from, I just wrote and the words flowed onto the page.
It wasn't until years later when I was moving house that I discovered those pages of lyrics once again. And to my absolute shock, I realised as I read through them that I had been channelling messages.
But I had no idea how I did it or if I could still do it.
It took years of reading, attending courses, searching and practicing before I became confident in my psychic abilities. It turned out that channelling messages was just one of the many psychic gifts I'd go on to discover.
Since then, I've had so many magical, divine psychic experiences that are beyond words. And I know that my journey opening up my psychic gifts can help others open up theirs too.
Magical things start to happen when you realise you are in the presence of divine intelligence and you can begin to consciously connect with that power and use it for your good.
"You will discover that whatever you think about, give your attention to, or are interested in, begins to reveal it's secrets to you." ~ Catherine Ponder

You Will Find That You Are Being Guided From Within About Everything You Need To Know
When you open up your psychic abilities you will stop thinking of the universe as separate from you. You will stop thinking of your desires as separate from you. You will no longer feel as if your desires are difficult to obtain.
You will realise that you are connected to everything and through the help of divine intelligence all the desires of your heart are available to you.
You will also realise that the universe which knows your every need is supporting you in achieving your desires. Divine intelligence becomes your best friend, your partner, your ally and you can trust it constantly.
And with guidance and consistent practice, your abilities will begin to increase exponentially.
You will find that you are being guided from within about everything you need to know.
You can merely ask for a sign or guidance that you are going in the right direction and receive confirmation.
You can ask divine intelligence "reveal to me the perfect solution?" and receive the answer.
Following through on your guidance you will realise that the universe has gone ahead and prepared the way for you and for the successful realisation of your desire.
And you will know that you are blessed and loved beyond measure.
It will be as if your good will come to you almost faster than you can accept it.
You Can Use Your Psychic Gifts To Solve Your Problems And Lead You Towards A Life Of Blessings
Your life will become a magical dance with divine intelligence as your partner. Things begin to happen almost effortlessly.
Because you are tuned in, the universe can reveal your good to you in ways that will surprise and delight you.
You will also find that you are led away from situations and events that do not serve your highest good. The universe will say "no" to that which is not of the highest and best for you so that you can avoid unnecessary struggle.
You can use your psychic gifts to solve your problems and to lead you towards a life of blessings.
"I am so full of energy"
"Thank you Sandra,I really feel there is a change on the horizon..and I am so full of energy!!"
~ Collette
"It feels like my soul is awakening"
“With the spiritual practices that I’m learning and the meditation, it feels like my soul is awakening from a long sleep and unfurling like a beautiful flower!"
~ Anne
"Immense benefit..."
"It has been of immense benefit. I was so blocked. You really are a Godsend! Thank you so much."
~ Bernie
Rediscover Your Psychic Powers So You Can Finally Reconnect With Divine Intelligence
Psychic gifts are not something unusual or uncommon, everybody has them! We have just forgotton how to use them.
I want to change that. I want to help you to rediscover your psychic powers so you can finally reconnect with divine intelligence and use your gifts for your good and the good of others in your life.
- You can ask for guidance for a loved one and use your inner promptings to lead them towards a positive outcome.
- You can ask for clarity about your career and become aware of your next steps.
- You can ask for insight about a relationship and receive the perfect answer.
- You can ask for right action to take to help a family member and know what to do.
- You can ask for all sorts of guidance and receive the clarity you were seeking.
There is no end to the insights, guidance, promptings and nudges divine intelligence will give to you when you are open to it. (I'll explain how to open up inside the course).
I often ask divine intelligence to remind me to do something, especially as I go asleep and suddenly remember there is something I need to do the next day. Rather than having to make a note of it, I'll simply ask to be reminded the next day. I always get that reminder.
You'll also begin to open up in other ways. You'll open your awareness, your perception, your sensitivity, your vision and your "knowingness". I'll go through all of this with you.
And I have a bonus section for you with exercises to protect your energy and cut negative ties so you always remain safe and protected while you open up your gifts.
My psychic powers have supported and blessed me over the years in ways I could never have envisioned. In truth I couldn't imagine a life without them. It would seem as if something important was missing from my life.
Manifested Intentions Begin To Increase
“As personal consciousness draws closer to Universal Consciousness the sense of separateness begins to decrease and incidents of psychic perception, synchronicities, and manifested intentions begin to increase.”
~ Dean Radin

What's Inside?
I've poured so much into this from all my years working with Angels, working as a Reiki Master and teacher, working with spirit guides and opening up my own psychic powers. There are some really powerful practices in here that will help you to understand and develop your psychic gifts.
You'll learn different techniques for developing different psychic abilities, and how to hone your own unique gifts.
Inside you will experience 8 modules with classes, exercises, meditations and guidance to open up, develop and use your psychic gifts.
- What are psychic abilities?
- How psychic abilities work
- Preparation
- Common Challenges (and how to overcome them)
- Techniques for Developing Your Psychic Abilities
- Psychic exercises - (Some of the exercises include: Energy Protection, Sensing Auras, Seeing Auras, Channelling, Telepathy, Spirit Guides)
- Using Your Psychic Abilities
- Enhancing Your Psychic Abilities
Because you already have the ability, you just need to rediscover how to use it!
"Wave after wave of energy"
"The flow of energy was really strong in my body I had wave after wave of energy."
~ Karen
"I got so much out of it"
"Thank you so much! I absolutely loved this, I got so much out of it. I’m looking forward to doing the meditation again."
~ Rachael
"Life changing"
"Thank you Sandra for a life changing, unforgettable experience. So, so amazing."
~ Dorothy
These Psychic Powers Love To Work For You
As you develop these deeper powers which love to work for you, you will notice that you don't have to work so hard to achieve a desired outcome. The way will be shown to you and you will effortlessly accomplish perfect results.
When you act with faith on your intuitive guidance your good always comes to you. And that is why it is so important to open up your psychic gifts because they are there to help you to live in divine alignment. You can gain mastery over your past, present and future. And you can happily fulfil your divine promptings.

It's Time To Own Your Psychic Gifts and Use them To Receive Answers, Guidance and Support.
If you’re here and you’re feeling called to access your psychic abilities, I believe you can do it.
You're amazing and you have incredible gifts that are waiting to be accessed.
You can use your psychic gifts to solve your problems and to lead you towards a life of blessings.
Are you ready to access your psychic superpowers?
If you are feeling you were made for this, it would be my honour to have you join us. I believe in you.
Plus, you also get access to these when you sign up.
5 Bonus Gifts (Value €286)
I have 5 more gifts for you, because I know these will help you to protect your energy, develop your intuition and compliment the psychic work you will be doing.
Bonus 1 - Develop A Strong Intuition - Never underestimate the power of your intuition to bring you greater happiness, success and confidence in your guidance. This bonus course will teach you how to develop and use your intuition.
Bonus 2 - Grounding Meditation - You'll want to ground your energy after doing the psychic exercises. This meditation is just what you need.
Bonus 3 - Aura Magic - Learn about your energy field, chakras, aura colours and how to open and close your aura. Essential when doing psychic work.
Bonus 4 - Intuitive Inquiry - These are the intuitive questions that you'll want to ask yourself to develop your intuition, tap into your inner-wisdom and gain insights beyond the limits of conscious reasoning.
Bonus 5 - Cutting Ties - A step-by-step guide on how to cut energy ties to release emotional, psychological, and energetic attachments between yourself and another person or situation. Also includes a cord cutting meditation so you can sit back and relax and let the Angels do the work for you!
NEW Bonus 6 - Merkabah Magic - In this class you'll learn what the merkabah is, it's purpose and you'll activate your own personal merkabah. I know you're going to love this!
When you sign up you get instant access to Module 1. You can begin right away or whenever suits you.
8 Modules plus 5 bonus trainings to compliment the psychic work you'll be doing.
You'll get instant access to Module 1, plus each day after (until day 8) new modules open up so you can continue building your psychic gifts.
The course includes 8 practical exercises focused on opening up different gifts through various techniques and processes.
Each exercise varies in length from 5 minutes to 20/30 minutes. You have the freedom to choose how long you want to dedicate to each process.
Through the practices you'll discover where your unique gifts lie and which practices you love the most.
You can go through everything within 8 days BUT you don't have to.
You can go at your own pace and go back and watch/listen again as often as you like.
You get lifetime access to everything (and all future updates). And you can download the Kajabi app on your phone so you can access all the content anytime you like.
The value of everything you're getting is worth at LEAST €880.
This is a journey you have been waiting to take.
Ready to rediscover your psychic superpowers?
Let's do this!
The Results Are Usually So Wonderful
"As they follow their inner leadings, the results are usually so wonderful that others believe that they have unusual gifts."
~ Catherine Ponder

I'm Sandra...
An author and spiritual teacher. I help empaths get crystal clear guidance from the Angels each day so they can stop doubting their decisions and start trusting they are guided and taken care of.
I host the Fiercely Spiritual Podcast and I'm the creator of Fiercely Spiritual Family members group.
I live in Ireland where I spend my days doing the work I love, meditating and mountain biking with my husband and two boys.
It is my heartfelt mission to help as many as possible to unlock their natural ability to receive Divine Guidance. It feels like everyone thinks this is something reserved for psychics and mediums. It's not!
Communicating with Angels and guides is supposed to be normal and EASY.
Learning to communicate with your Angels is something EVERYONE can do.
Because your Angels want to support and guide you!
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